Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28, 2013 - Keeping Busy

Keeping Busy

"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you had everything to do and you've done it."
     ~Margaret Thatcher~

    In our too busy lives, a day with nothing to do sounds as if it would be heavenly. We could stay in bed until noon, read a book without interruption, watch television for hours at a time, or lie in a hammock listening to the buzz and hum of life in the backyard
     Usually, though, if we stay in bed or read a book for too long, our legs start twitching to get up and move about. There's never anything good on television. And our backs hurt when we try to lie in a hammock.

What can I do that will make me feel I've accomplished something in my free time today? I don't ave to pain t the house or tune up the car. Going for a walk, baking a loaf of bread, or washing the dishes can be enough.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February 27, 2013 - Thoughtful Responses

Thoughtful Responses

"To a quick question, give a slow answer."
     ~Italian Proverb~

     Quick wit is much admired. We're impressed by those who can toss off a clever remark on the spur of the moment, seemingly without effort.
     A more thoughtful and reasoned remark takes longer. But it can last longer as well. Wouldn't we rather be admired for our wisdom than for our jokes?

I can stop to think before I answer a question. If I do, what I end up saying is likely to be more useful and true than if I spoke quickly without thinking. And,  more importantly, I'm less likely to say something I'll regret.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February 26, 2013 - Resilience


"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get back up."
     ~Vince Lombardi~

     Watch a baby learning to walk. When she first goes from crawling to walking, she's down more than she's up. There may be a few tears, but quickly bounces back up, ready to try again. The urge to walk, to explore the world in a new way, keeps her going.
     Wouldn't it be great if we could maintain this same kind of spirit? A baby doesn't think, "Gee, I fell. Now, I'll never learn to walk." As adults, we sometimes let our failures discourage us. If something goes wrong one time, we think it will always go wrong. We don't get up to take the next step.

I know I'll fail once in a while, but I can learn from my failures. When I try something new that I fear I'll fail at, I'll remind myself that I've succeeded in the past by persisting.

February 25, 2013 - Advice


"Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it."
     ~Agatha Christie~

     How many times have we done something stupid and wished that someone would have warned us before we did it? Probably not as many times as we were warned beforehand and did something stupid anyway.
     We often ignore good advice, but we still need to hear it-and more than once. Sometimes it takes several times before good sense can sink in.

Without being bossy or unpleasant, I will give advice when I think it's important-even if I risk irritating someone I like.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

February 24, 2013 - Sharing Food

Sharing Food

"Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly."
     ~M.F.K. Fisher~

     Standing at the kitchen counter, we quickly gulp down a cup of coffee and breakfast bar, then rush off to work. Lunch may be a package of processed food we microwave and eat at our desk or an all-too-familiar burger from a fast-food joint. Dinner... Do we even have time for dinner?
     Even the simplest food can seem like a feast when we set the table, gather friends or family, and sit down together to eat. We share our joys and our concerns as we share our food.

I will make at least one meal today an occasion. I won't skimp on the "service". I'll use a napkin, sit at the table, and maybe even light a candle.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

February 23, 2013 - Our Legacy

Our Legacy

"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced; live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice."
          ~White Elk~

     We may not be rich or famous. And we may not be important to anyone other than our friends and family. Still, that's enough. We each have our own legacy to build. How would we like our friends and family to remember us? How do they think of us today?

     The difference between these two things tells us what we need to do with the time that we have left.

I have just one life in which to bring joy to others around me.

The time is now.


What's up, everybody!? :D I'm starting this blog specifically to follow a journey of mine that I wanted to share. I just bought a book titled "The Daily Book of Positive Quotations" by Linda Picone. For each day, there is a quote with an explanation and gives you something to focus on for the day. I believe in a positive attitude with all my heart and I want to spread that energy to people. They say life is short, and I want to make the biggest dent in the space-time continuum that I can. Join me on this journey :)

I started sending good morning texts with an inspirational, motivational, or thoughtful quote at the beginning of my senior year, and I now send those daily texts to over 50 people. If you would like to be included in those, just let me know and I'll add you to the list! However, the same information/quotes will usually show up on this blog as well, so don't be afraid to just check back here to get some inspiration. Let's do this. :)