Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July 31, 2013

In The Race

"I've got something inside of me, peasantlike and stubborn, and I'm in it till the end of the race."
     ~Truman Capote~

     We don't have to make elaborately detailed plans about how we're going to lead our lives (although it's good to do some planning along the way). We can simply set a course and pledge to hang in there, whatever comes. This, in the end, is the most courageous and powerful thing we can say.

I am here and I'm staying. Whatever life throws at me, I will not be stopped.

My thoughts: This is so important for many people. Too many people give up on things and it eventually leads to their unhappiness, whether they blame it on something else or not. You are responsible for your situation. Take control of the wheel and never let go. As long as you can see where you're going, you don't have to be able to see the final destination. :) Make today count! :D

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 30, 2013

Small Differences

"We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences we often cannot foresee."
     ~Marian Wright Edelman~

     There are so many problems in the world, how do we bigin to make a dent in fixing them? It's so easy to become discouraged when we think about how much there is to do and how little there is to do it with.
     But we can do something. If we can't afford to give $100 to a charity, $10 is better than nothing. If we can't volunteer our time every week, even a few hours a year helps. And if enough of us act this way, we can change the world.

Every day, I can do something to better the world, even if it's just offering a kind word to someone who needs it.

My thoughts: We're all in this together. Lend a helping hand, and do the best you can. Don't set out to build a wall. No, don't start there. Just lay one brick, just one, as perfectly as a brick can be laid. If you do that every day, eventually you will have a wall. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29, 2013

Waiting For Success

"I couldn't wait for success, so I went ahead without it."
     ~Jonathan Winters~

     Too often we try to postpone our lives while we wait to reach one goal or another. We put off dating until we've lost a certain amount of weight. We wait to have people over for dinner until we can afford nicer furniture. We delay having children until we're more successful in our career.
     But life doesn't wait. It just keeps going, whether we're where we want to be or not.

I like the idea of throwing myself into life - success or no success.

My thoughts: I agree wholeheartedly with this. The moment will never be quite right, so whatever you wanna do, just go DO IT! Time is always ticking down, so you gotta take advantage of every moment you've got! Have an amazing day, everyone! :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26, 2013

Being with children

"The soul is healed by being with children."
     ~Fyodor Dostoyevski~

     A good cure for being bored, frustrated, or depressed is to spend some time with children. Everything is new to them - and this fresh outlook can be catching. Walking with a child, we can see again. as if for the first time, the bright beauty of the flowers, the relentless diligence of insencts, the myriad shapes of clouds. 
     Children make us slow down, to match their gait. They ask questions - questions we may have forgotten we know the answers to. Their young eyes notice things we have not really looked at for years.

When I am with children - my own or someone else's - I'll pay attention to them and to what they bring into my life.

My thoughts: Children are so full of energy, hope, and blind trust! Be more like them! If you spend time with children, you WILL feel younger. Go be with them and enjoy that time! Have an amazing day!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July 24, 2013

Giving of Ourselves

"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."
     ~Kahlil Gibran~

     When a charity asks for our help, it's easy to write a check. When a friend is ill, it's easy to send a card or gift.
     But it would mean a lot more - to the charity and to our friend - if we gave of ourselves instead of our money. It would also mean a lot more to us. We waste so much time in meaningless activities: watching television, gossiping, fretting about things we can't change. If we could devote just part of this time to helping others, we'd all be better off.

I tell myself I"m too busy to volunteer or to volunteer more than I do. But if I look at my schedule carefully, I can find the time.

My thoughts: Get out there and help someone! It truly is helpful to people to have someone there to rely on and help them, even if it's just for one day. Being a volunteer in any community is worthwhile. It'll make you feel better, too, not just the other person! Have an amazing day, my friends! Stay positive !! :D

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 23, 2013

Looking Around

"Do not look back in anger, or forward in fear, but around in awareness."
     ~James Thurber~

     We look back in anger at the people who've hurt us, the furstrations we've felt, the bad luck we've endured. We look forward in fear at the possiblilty that we might lose our job, contract a disease, or suffer the death of a loved one.
     The place we need to be is right here, right now - not looking anxiously at what has been or what might be, but fully aware of what is.

I take a deep breath, knowing that I'm lucky to be alive. I have survived challenges in the past and will survive challenges in the future. Nothing need distract me from living my life today.

Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

Taking Time

"No great thing is created suddenly."

     It takes time to build a relationship, a career, a house. If we try to speed the process up, we're likely to become frustrated. Worse, we may build something that is less than what we had hoped for.

As I put together the pieces of my life, I recognize that I cannot - and should not - hurry the important things. I want whatever I build to be sturdy and long-lasting.

My thoughts: This is so, so important to remember! It's not good to become discouraged when it doesn't all come together in one piece at one time. The greatest things in life will take a long time to build. This reminds me of a Will Smith quote. He said, "Don't set out to build a wall. You don't start there. Instead, say, I'm going to lay this one brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid. If you do that every day, pretty soon you have a wall." Don't be afraid to come back to something the next day! But right now is GO TIME! Go lay your brick today! :D Have an amazing day! :D

Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 21, 2013


"Whenever you take a step forward, you are bound to disturb something."
     ~Indira Gandhi~

     The path of "true anything" isn't always smooth. Almost any aspect of our life can be disturbed as we pursue and accomplish goals that are important to us. Going to college may mean separating our parents. A promotion may mean a different relationship with coworkers. Marriage may mean losing - and gaining - friends.
     The only way to prevent such disturbances would be to avoid ever taking a step forward. But who wants to stand in one place?

I recognize that each time I step forward, I may stir things up. I can't avoid these disturbances, but I can accept them and move on.

My thoughts: Yeah! Absolutely! Change is an amazing part of life and we are truly blessed to see things change! Life would be so boring without change. Sometimes, it is very disturbing to us to see change, and in times like these, we must try to keep things  in perspective and realize that it may be for the better. 

Have an absolutely amazing day! :D

Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 20, 2013


"If men could regard the events of their own lives with more open minds, they would frequently discover that they did not really desire the things they failed to obtain."
     ~Andre Maurois~

     We desire things we think will make us happy. Maybe it's something we want to own - a larger house, for example. Or maybe it's something we want to do - swim the English Channel. But often, fulfilling our desires is less satisfying than we'd imagined.
     Why is this so? Some of the things we think we want exist largely in our imagination. No reality could ever compete with teh fantasy we've created about the objects of our desire.

I will not let my desire for things I don't have keep me from appreciating those I do. There's a good chance I don't really want some things as much as I think I do.

My thoughts: I believe that we need to accept that the world is flawed and people are flawed, and that no matter how much we may want a certain thing or a certain person in our lives, sometimes it won't happen. It may not be a fault of their own, but of the circumstances around them. Movies sometimes put our standards too high because the script is set and the conditions are always perfect for them. We all know that's not true in life. All you can do is try your best and be the best you can be. That, by itself, should be enough to bring your desires to you.

Friday, July 19, 2013

July 19, 2013

A Leap In The Dark

"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous, unpremeditated act without benefit of experience."
     ~Henry Miller~

     Our experience helps us make wiser choices, and making wiser choices allows us to take fewer risks. But we stagnate unless we take an occasional leap in the dark - without planning for it, without analyzing it in advance. We don't know exactly where we're going to land. We just know we have to reach out, take a chance, and see what happens.

I'm generally cautious, and that's a good thing. But I recognize that sometimes I just have to go ahead and try something new. Even if things don't go well, I will have learned something important from taking the chance.

My thoughts: GO FOR IT! :D Go take risks, be uncomfortable, learn new things! Especially if you're young. Don't ever learn to grow up. Growing old is inevitable, but growing up is optional. Learn to live with abandon and just do things you want to do just because; you don't need any other reason. GO! LIVE! :D Have an amazing day!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

July 18, 2013


"A beauty is a woman you notice; a charmer is one who notices you."
     ~Adlai Stevenson~

     We admire the life of the party, the person who attracts others with his or her wit and wisdom. We envy the "looker", the person who attracts others with his or her beauty and physical attributes.
     But the people we really want to be around are teh ones who show an interest in us. When they ask about our likes and dislikes, laugh at our jokes, compliment our appearance, we feel good about them - and ourselves.

I won't worry about whether I'm having a good time at an event. I'll see what I can do to help others enjoy themselves.

My thoughts: It's all about love. The more we can learn to love one another, the more we will spread these wonderful feelings to each other. You won't have to worry about making sure you're having a good time at the party, because everyone else will be doing that for you, just like you're doing for them. There's a lot of love in that. Even if we can't change everyone, we can change ourselves, and sometimes, that's enough. :) Have a wonderful Thursday! I love you all!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17, 2013

Trying Again

"Big shots are only little shots who keep shooting."
     ~Christopher Morley~

     Few people simply leap to the top of their profession. Most get there incrementally - step by step, experience by experience, and even mistake by mistake. If we give up, we fail for certain. To have even a chance at success, we have to keep reloading and taking aim at our target.

Instead of complaining about how frustrating my failures are and how others seem to have it so much better than me, I will just keep plugging along towards what I want.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 16, 2013


"One may have good eyes and yet see nothing."
     ~Italian Proverb~

     Driving the same roads over and over, we stop noticing the people, homes, yards, and buildings along the way. We work with the same people for years but never see them as anything more than a reflection of the work they do. We've gotten so used to doing things a certain way, we can't see that there are better ways of doing these things - if we would just open our eyes.
     To truly see what's around us, we have to make an effort. Life is too short to take the world for granted.

I will deliberately open my eyes to see the world.

Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013


"A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against, not with, the wind."
     ~John Neal~

     We like it when other people agree with us. But we tend to make our biggest mistakes when no one offers any alternative ideas for what we're planning to do. Even though we don't like it much when others question our ideas, it's often what prods us to lok harder at those ideas, to refine and improve them.

I am glad that some people in my life are willing to argue with me, even when - or especially when - I'm convinced I know exactly what I'm doing. 

My thoughts: I agree with this. But be careful not to just argue with people all the time about whose idea is better or that will cause a lot of tension in your personal relationships. Have a great day! :D

Sunday, July 14, 2013

July 14, 2013

Bad Luck

"Those that are afraid of bad luck will never know good."
     ~Russian Proverb~

     Life is a gamble. There's now way around it. You can't know good luck unless we're willing to risk having bad luck. And bad luck can come whether we take any risks or not. Clearly, we are better off taking an occasional risk - if we want to learn, grow, and become a better person.

I worry about what might happen to me, but I know I need to extend myself and take some chances if I am going to have a full life.

My thoughts: To me, this post is more or less saying that it is better to go out there and try instead of not. Which really speaks towards failure. Be willing to risk failure in whatever you are doing in the chance that you might succeed. As the quote goes, "You'll never know until you try!" It's all about experience in my opinion. :) Go out there and make some mistakes if you want! It's all part of learning and living life! :D

Saturday, July 13, 2013

July 13, 2013

Through the Window

"Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world."
     ~George Bernard Shaw~

     We perceive the world through the unique lens of our own beliefs and feelings. This is why we can see things so differently from our closest friend of the person who lives next door.
     Our perspective can enhance our experience of the world - or distort it. To see th eworld clearly, we must continually examine and test our beliefs and assumptions so that we are not blinded by the fog of prejudice or the darkness of ignorance.

I want to see the world clearly. I will not let my vision be dulled by apathy, prejudice, or ignorance.

My thoughts: Stay positive. Keep a positive mental attitude. :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

July 12, 2013

Summer's Song

"In summer, the song sings itself."
     ~William Carlos Williams~

     The sounds of birds chirping, insects humming, leaves rustling, rain falling, children playing, dogs barking... We may be stuck inside during he winter months, but summer blurs the boundaries between inside and outside.
     No matter where we live, summer is a special season. It's a time of richness, warmth, freedom, ease, and pleasure - a time when all of our senses are fully engaged.

I'm happy that it's summer. I want to drink in as much of it as I can.

My thoughts: This post sounds like someone's a little biased towards summer ;) Nah, but they do have a point. There are a lot of people that absolutely love summer. As much as we all complain about how hot it is, or how itchy our sunburns are, summer has more good than bad to it. There are beautiful birds singing, the sun is shining, flowers are in full bloom, the beach is a perfect destination, and things seem possible. All of us younger peeps love the summer because it means a chance to take a break and relax for a little while. Summer is a good season.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 11, 2013

Room At The Top

"There is always room at the top."
     ~Daniel Webster~

     In a zero-sum game, no one can win without someone else suffering a corresponding loss. Fortunately, life is ont a zero-sum game, though there are some who seem to believe that it is. We don't have to push others aside to be winners. And we don't have to enjoy our successes alone. In fact, sharing our successes with others can make them much more meaningful and pleasurable.

I want to succeed - and to include other with me as I do.

My thoughts: Once again, I totally agree with this post. I think it's a very powerful thing to share experiences with others, and feel the power of a moment together. It helps keep things in perspective and also helps us work on a better feeling of community. :) Love your friends and accomplish things together. It's much more fulfilling. :) Have a wonderful day, everyone! :D

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 10, 2013

Asking For Nothing

"We never reflect on how pleasant it is to ask for nothing."

     It can be very unpleasant to ask others for the things we need. Often what we ask for is given freely and with love, but we are still uncomfortable asking for it. We tend to feel weak or inferior when we have to ask others for help.
     What we rarely think about, though, is how pleasant it is not to ask for someone else's help. Not needing is a good feeling, but not needing to ask may be an even better feeling.

I will not be embarrassed about asking for help when I need it, but I will also appreciate the times when I don't have to ask for anything.

My thoughts: I think that the heart of this post is really saying this: "Trust yourself." You should know when you need help, and when you don't. Ya know? Don't be too proud to ask for help when you need it, but trust yourself that you can rely on yourself to get things done. I think this post should have more emphasis on the idea that it IS actually okay to ask for help. Too much of our society is closed off in a personal endeavor mental attitude, and I think it actually hinders progress versus help it. We are stronger together. Don't be afraid to ask for help :D Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 9, 2013


"There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community."
     ~M. Scott Peck~

     Most of us are hesitant when we first join a new community. Will we fit in? Do we want to let the other members of the community into our lives? What does becoming a member of the community say about us? These are important questions to consider.
     But we can't make the world a better place except by working with others. And we can't work with others if we merely stand in the background judging and withholding. We must be willing to risk vulnerability if we want to be an engaged member of a real community.

I am willing to risk being vulnerable because I believe in the power of community.

My thoughts: I absolutely love this post. I think it is a very real thing that everybody everywhere deals with, and if they don't, it's because they are stuck in routine. Everyone wants to be liked wherever they go, and I think it's engrained into us as humans based on our will to survive. We know that being in groups and having others to depend on makes it far easier to not just survive, but to thrive. 
     However, there are over 7 billion people on this planet, and I can guarantee you that you can find people to accept you as you are. I know that 'being yourself' is such a cliche thing to say, but it is for a reason. It is such a hard thing to do, but I think that if we can get to that point, everything becomes easier. I struggle with this myself as well. I wonder if my music is going to be well-liked or accepted by others, or if I look good, or if I wrote a paper that my teacher will like. The problem with this is that we start living to others standards instead of our own. We need to take accountability in our lives and let the people in our lives lift us higher instead of standing back and judging everything we do. The entire world truly is one big community. It's time that each one of us start acting like it. I'm here being vulnerable on this blog in a way. I love positivity, and I believe in it. Take it or leave it. :) (As an example.) So what do you love? Who are YOU? ...Great. Now go show the world.

Side note: I sincerely apologize for missing a couple days this weekend. I will work to be better about this. :)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4, 2013


"You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free."
     ~Clarence Darrow~

     Great societies are founded on the idea that everyone's freedom is important. Not freedom for the wealthy or freedom for the powerful, but freedom for everyone.
     We don't always realize how we put our own freedoms at risk when we acquiesce to others losing theirs. "It won't happen to us," we say. "We're not doing anything wrong. We've got nothing to worry about." But history gives us many examples of freedoms lost, bit by bit, because people thought it couldn't happen to them.

I enjoy my freedom and know that it is something I need to protect. I will be as vigilant about protecting the freedoms of others as I am about my own.

My thoughts: Be thankful for your freedom! HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY EVERYONE! :D

July 3, 2013

Laughing Together

"Laughter is the shortest distance between two people."
     ~Victor Borge~

     Make someone laugh, and we've made a friend. We're drawn to people who are amused by the same things that amuse us. It's a sign of other common interests and a similar outlook on life.

I enjoy laughing with new people. It helps me get to know them.

July 2, 2013

 Keeping Quiet

"There's nothing wrong with having nothing to say - unless you insist on saying it."

     The people we dread sitting next to at parties aren't the silent ones. However reticent the person next to us may be, we can usually find something to say. Or we can at least sit there in quiet companionship.
     No, the people we dread are the ones who insist on filling every moment with the sound of their own voices. They babble on about everything while saying nothing, and we can't wait to find an excuse to get away from them.

I don't need to fill in every gap in every conversation. I can listen to others or just sit quietly. No one will think there's something wrong with me if I'm quiet - but they might if I insist on talking all the time.

My thoughts: I don't really like this post much at all! I think what they are trying to say is a very good point, but this was not said in a very good manner at all. I think what's more important is to realize that everyone is different and we should try to be compatible as much as we can with that instead of saying the other person is at fault and needs to 'shut up'. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013


"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him."
     ~Aldous Huxley~

     We all know people who have gone through experiences that should have made them stronger, more interesting, more confident, or more empathetic. Yet somehow they've passed through the experiences seemingly unphased.
     We should see such people as cautionary examples of what happens when we fail to actively engage in the world. Our experiences are not going to do anything for us unless we choose to do something with our experiences.

I will try to see every new experience as a chance to learn about myself and grow into a better person.

My thoughts: I think it is a very important thing to learn from experiences and allow them to shape you into a better person, but I think this post is a little too black and white for me to fully accept it. I don't believe everyone who isn't a 'better' person from their experiences isn't living. They may have had enough of whatever they're going through that they choose not to deal with it anymore. Or they've learned not to let something painful affect them. To say that someone is 'failing to actively engage in the world' is not entirely fair. Don't let this quote get you down! Everyone has their own way of interacting with the world :) It's up to you what kind of live you live. Experiences will shape you, and who you are is influenced by your past, but it's ultimately up to you. You choose your life, you choose who surrounds you, you choose what you do, you choose how you do it. Do something you're proud of. :)