Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 9, 2013


"There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community."
     ~M. Scott Peck~

     Most of us are hesitant when we first join a new community. Will we fit in? Do we want to let the other members of the community into our lives? What does becoming a member of the community say about us? These are important questions to consider.
     But we can't make the world a better place except by working with others. And we can't work with others if we merely stand in the background judging and withholding. We must be willing to risk vulnerability if we want to be an engaged member of a real community.

I am willing to risk being vulnerable because I believe in the power of community.

My thoughts: I absolutely love this post. I think it is a very real thing that everybody everywhere deals with, and if they don't, it's because they are stuck in routine. Everyone wants to be liked wherever they go, and I think it's engrained into us as humans based on our will to survive. We know that being in groups and having others to depend on makes it far easier to not just survive, but to thrive. 
     However, there are over 7 billion people on this planet, and I can guarantee you that you can find people to accept you as you are. I know that 'being yourself' is such a cliche thing to say, but it is for a reason. It is such a hard thing to do, but I think that if we can get to that point, everything becomes easier. I struggle with this myself as well. I wonder if my music is going to be well-liked or accepted by others, or if I look good, or if I wrote a paper that my teacher will like. The problem with this is that we start living to others standards instead of our own. We need to take accountability in our lives and let the people in our lives lift us higher instead of standing back and judging everything we do. The entire world truly is one big community. It's time that each one of us start acting like it. I'm here being vulnerable on this blog in a way. I love positivity, and I believe in it. Take it or leave it. :) (As an example.) So what do you love? Who are YOU? ...Great. Now go show the world.

Side note: I sincerely apologize for missing a couple days this weekend. I will work to be better about this. :)

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